Our Beliefs
In the Bible as the only written Word of God and the ultimate authority for what we are to believe, and for the way we are to live in this world.
In One God revealed to us as Father, Son, & Holy Spirit.
In God the Father who made the heavens and the earth and governs them according to His will and purpose.
In God the Son who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of a virgin, died on a cross, was buried and raised from the dead in order to provide the way for us to regain right and true relationship with God the Father.
In God the Holy Spirit who prompts us to repent and live according to the principles of the Kingdom of God, producing the fruit and imparting the gifts of the Spirit for successful living and serving in a Godly manner.
In the Church universal made up of all those who have been called out of darkness into light, have placed their faith in Jesus Christ for salvation, and who live under His Lordship.
In the visible return of the Lord Jesus Christ in great glory and power to receive into heaven all those who have personally accepted Jesus as Savior and Lord and to judge all those who have not personally accepted Jesus as Savior and Lord.
Our Values
Worship as we acknowledge God and give Him access to our lives through music we open ourselves up to a greater knowledge of Him and His purposes for our lives. Our Celebration services include celebration, adoration, proclamation, and exultation.
Life Tranformation by the renewing of our minds. To know Jesus Christ is more than just knowing about Him in our heads, but instead that we know Him personally, intimately through a transparent relationship where we experience forgiveness of sin, freedom from our past, and healing of the brokenness in our lives. All of this is through the life and power of the Holy Spirit.
Biblical Discipleship as a part of the normal growth and maturing process of bible believing disciples of Jesus Christ. The process is meant to inspire growth spiritually, mentally, physically, & relationally in disciples.
Every believer a disciple including youth and children. Everyone can be actively involved in ministering to others inside and outside of the Body by the power of God by serving the Kingdom of God and others according to their spiritual gifting.
Prayer as not the preparation for the work of ministry but is the work of ministry. In prayer we discover and are led to accomplish the purpose of God in our life, family, church, community, nation, and world.
New Creation Groups as a Godly New Testament Model for how we the church can function in the world we live today.
World Wide and Local Missions as the vehicle that all Bible believing churches will participate in to fulfill the Great Commission of Jesus to take His Gospel to all the unreached people groups of the world.